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Freebie Friday Valentine Cross Stitch Pattern

Hello everyone, here is another free pattern a day later than I anticipated, I think I may start calling this Freebie Saturday!

A quick Valentine cross stitch for you. 

Ideal for a beginner or experienced stitcher depending on the finish you decide to use.

Includes three patterns…

  • Ornament pattern
  • Scissor Fob
  • Small Pin cushion

Click on the image of the pattern below and screenshot on ipad or save to your computer. If you would like a pdf copy of the pattern you can contact me in the contact form on my blog, but you need to leave me your email address in the message or I will not be able to reply.

Your email will only be used to respond to your message. 


Until next time, happy stitching!


Donna P. said...

Thank you - It looks so pretty on the black fabric!

Donna P. said...

Thank you - love the scissors fob - I always lose track of my little snips!

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