Christmas stitching, Jardin prive stitching and a thankyou!

Hi everyone, I have finished this little ornament for a little  Christmas gift for a family member.
But before I talk about that, I would just like to say thankyou to everyone who left a comment on The Old Navy Man post, it was lovely to read all of your generous, kind comments, I am sure it made Pat's day too!

I replied to everyone who I could, but some emails are set as "no reply" which means I cannot reply to you, so, here is a thankyou to those people.

Thanks to Donna P, Donna Sue, Kari and Shirley, sorry I could not reply personally, I hope I did not miss anyone out.

Stitching news

I have been doing some more Christmas stitching and also stitching on my Heaven and Earth design and the free Jardin Prive free pattern.
I made a small mistake on the beading edge of the Christmas Sleigh, I did not quite get the stitching lined up on the edge and it puckered slightly, I think I managed to iron most of it away so it is not as bad as I first thought.

I have a beading edge tutorial on my  cross stitch finishing blog here if you would like to finish an ornament like this

Christmas sleigh cross stitch

I used 32 count linen, DMC threads and Mill Hill gold beads

I back stitched the design and it really made a difference.

This is the second hand book I purchased from Amazon UK and is in really good condition, it was 1p plus postage and packing!
There are some nice patterns in here. 

I am undecided how to finish this design, I may make it into a project bag or just frame it.
You can get the free pattern from Jardin Prive

Here is some more progress on the heaven and earth design I am stitching.

It is stitched on 18 count fabric, 2 over 1. 

There is still time to vote for the Craft Awards,
I am thrilled to have been nominated!

If you like my blog click on the image to vote, voting is open until 20th December 2016.
There are prizes to win if you live in the UK but you can still vote even if you don't live in the UK.
Until next time - happy stitching! 


KimM said...

Lovely finish, Lynn. And love the sheep. You always do such wonderful finishes, I can hardly wait to see what you do.

Unknown said...

This is such a cute ornament - I love how you finished it. I've never tried finishing like this before so I'm going to head over to your post on how to do it.

KimM said...

Hi, Lynn....I posted a comment earlier, I think I messed up so it didn't post. Anyway, love your finish...and the sheep is so cute. I can hardly wait to see how you finish it.

annemarie said...

Beautiful Christmas projects - I think your beading looks perfect!! You are such a perfectionist - your work is always so perfect and so beautiful.

Kate said...

Lynn, your sleigh ornament is beautiful and will be a wonderful keepsake for the recipient. I like how you finished it and thank you for the how-to. I look forward to seeing how you finish your lovely sheep. Good luck with the Craft Awards - you deserve to win.

faith76 said...

Such lovely stitching as always and great progress made. Xx

Vickie said...

I think the ornament is finished to perfection!
I have stitched from that exact book from our library. I stitched up the lamb from the cover. I changed it and the other one like it into poodles! ;) They are ornaments on my tree.

Mary - Lecoeurceltique said...

A lovely finish on the sleight ornament.

Sherri said...

Your ornament is adorable and I love the beaded finish. I should learn how to do it as it is one of my favorites. I'm sure the recipient will be very happy to have that in her tree.

Calypso said...

It is a really nice christmas ornament, I love it !

WeedyMama said...

So many hours of patient stitching. Lovely, absolutely lovely. Do you adopt people ;}?

M.Grazia said...

Oh un ricamo meraviglioso rifinito alla perfezione come solo tu sai fare, ciao MGrazia

butterfly said...

Love your finish , beautiful stitched .
I have this book yes there are some nice charts inside hugs.

Summer said...

Now this is what I call pretty♥


Que bonitos detalles!!!!

shirley flavell said...

A lovely little ornament beautifully finished Lynn. Glad you have done some more of your HAED. I have just ordered an HAED chart, it will be reasonably large I think. It is winging it's way from the UK and will be in sepia tones. I look forward to it but feel nervous as it will be quite a "thing" for some time.Have to decide on fabric.Always love seeing what you are making, you finish your projects so beautifully.

Regina Gee said...

Such a pretty Christmas ornament. The beaded edging is lovely!

Von said...

Love the beaded edge of the ornament!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

What a truly lovely finish! Thank you for the link for the sweet little sheep. Yours are so cute. I think it would make a beautiful project bag. :) Your HAE is coming along nicely. :) I look forward to reading and seeing more of your projects in the future. Wishing you a most lovely day. :)

beafactura said...

Lovely stitching as always :D

Peggie L said...

As always, I'm really impressed with your beautiful stitching and finishes!

Le trame della Galaverna said...

Wow beautiful finish

myrica said...

Beautiful Christmas projects,
And have a nice weekend.

Justine said...

Beautiful stitching Lynn. Your ornaments are so pretty. I'm glad you went back to your HAED too.

Heather said...

Beautiful finishing job on the ornament :)

Weronika said...

Simply amazing! I love these sleigh!

Kathryn P. said...

I love the sleigh ornament. Is it from the Sam Hawkins book? The sheep one is so cute also!

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