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We will remember them................

Today is a special day to remember all of the fallen in the world wars and recent conflicts too.
I thought it would be a nice idea to make something special to remember all those who sacrificed their lives so that we could be free today.
I started to design this mini quilt, it is a work in progress, I am going to add more red petals sprinkled around the design to complete it.

Whilst I was stitching this I was watching a World War 1 drama on the tv, two young men were in the trenches having a conversation....

"A hundred years from now we will be ancient history" this brought a tear to my eye which dropped onto the fabric, it was such a poignant moment, of course we have not forgotten their sacrifice and we all still remember what they did for us. 

We are free to smell the flowers because of them.


1914 - 1918
One Hundred Years today


annemarie said...

A beautiful post Lynn - out veterans deserve nothing but the best!

Heather said...

Such a sweet post. It's a great design as well.

Gem said...

This is so beautiful, so simple yet so much detail and so poignant. I love it.
We Will Remember Them x x x x

KimM said...

Beautiful post. We owe them everything.

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