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Terrible week for Mum.

Remember these photos when Mum was crafting? Well on Tuesday morning Mum and I went shopping, we were just leaving a store and she fell over with an almighty bang which resulted in a fractured hip and right wrist, she has had to have a hip replacement, her wrist is in plaster and she keeps fainting every time the nurses try to get her moving. We are all quite worried but I am sure with the fantastic nursing care she is receiving I am sure she will eventually be on her feet again.

So nothing to show you at the moment, I have managed to do a bit of crochet but I tend not to function very well when I am worried. 

Hopefully Mum will soon be better and things will be back to normal.

Until next time.........
Happy Stitching.  



Pull the other thread said...

Oh my goodness your poor mum. I hope she will be up and about again very soon. It's good to hear she is getting good care, that should help to put your mind at ease.

moonstruckcreations said...

I hope your mum is soon well on the road to recovery, poor thing.


Vickie said...

I am praying for you mum. I am so sorry this happened.

Mini Addictions said...

So sorry about your Mum, Lynn. I hope that she feels better soon. Could the fainting be a result of medication? You guys are in my thoughts and prayers.

Unknown said...

Will be praying for all of you, especially your mom for a complete recovery.


I hope she recovers soon.
Kisses for you and for your mum.
Mª José

KimM said...

Oh my goodness, Lynn! Please take care - and give your mum my best wishes.

diamondc said...

Lynn: So sorry about your Mother, I hope all ends well.
Thank-you for the new cat pattern.

Blessings to your Mother


Carol said...

How worried you must be, Lynn--I do hope she regains her strength quickly and that she'll be back crafting with you very soon... Thinking of both of you and sending hugs.

gracie said...

Sending gentle hugs to mum.

Annie said...

So sorry to hear this! Sending my best wishes for a speedy and full recovery for your sweet mom, and for you as you go through this with her.

cucki said...

Oh dear...your mom is in my prayers..
Big hugs x

annemarie said...

I am so sorry to hear of your mum's misfortune. I am sending prayers your way for a full recovery.

Marjan said...

Oh my....what scaring this must have been for both your mum and you! I wish your mum and you a quick and good recovery, hope the fainting is over soon!
Love from Holland

Linda said...

Sorry to hear that Lynn. Sending hugs and prayers your way for a speedy recovery.


Hazel said...

So sorry to hear that Lynn. Hope she recovers soon. x

Susie said...

Oh gosh. Such a worry. All the best.

Barb said...

Oh Lynn, I do hope you Mum has a speedy recovery! I know we are thinking about her and keeping her in our prayers. Please keep us informed about her.

Rachael said...

Best wishes for your mums speedy recovery!

Carin said...

Sorry to hear about your mom, hope she has a speedy recovery

Marga said...

So sorry about your Mother, I hope all ends well. Gentle hugs for the both of you.

Hugs from the Netherlands, Marga

KC'sCourt! said...

So sorry to hear about your mum, hope she recovers very soon
Julie xxxxx

Christina said...

I'm so sorry to read about your mom. Thoughts and prayers to her that she recovers quickly.

Unknown said...

oh no - hope your poor mom is up & moving soon, painfree! xx
Try not to worry too much! xx

Christina G said...

So sorry to hear about your Mum. Hope she makes a full recovery soon and easily! Hugs, Christina.

Andrea said...

Hope your Mum makes a speedy recovery.

Pam in IL said...

Sending hugs and keeping you and your mom in my thoughts and prayers.

laceystitcher said...

My mother is 87 and I spend a lot of time with her stitching and helping her with daily things. Her eyesight has diminished which makes it harder for her to stitch, which is what keeps her going and fills up her days. So I understand the feelings you have when somethings happens, especially the concern as to their full recovery. I pray special blessings to you and your mom during this time of healing. Take care.............

P.S. Enjoy the train trip!

Pam in Kansas

The Eskimo's Wife said...

So sorry about your mom. I hope she is recovering well. Falls are so scary. :0(

myrica said...

I hope your mum is soon well on the road to recovery, poor thing.
Have a nice day.

Tammy said...

I am so sorry to hear of your moms accident and injuries. I hope she will have a speedy recovery....ANd as painless as possible

Thoeria said...

Oh my goodness Lynn! How absolutely scary and painful!! Sending hugs and warm thoughts for her to make a full receovery and get back to her beautiful crafting....and for you to have the strength to get through this xxx

Von said...

Praying your mom recovers completely real soon.

Steph said...

Much love to you and your Mum.XOX

Denise SA said...

So sorry to hear about your mum hope she is soon better

stitchersanon said...

oh that is terrible, you just all be worried. Fingers crossed and prayers said xx

Melody said...

Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your Mom's accident. How upsetting for both of you. I hope things heal quickly for her, and she will be up and about soon.

valerie said...

I'm so sorry to read your mom took such a bad fall. I hope that she has a speedy recovery and is back to feeling like herself soon.

Lula said...

Hi Lynn. How awful! I hope by now your mum is recovering well and feels much better. Wishing her a speedy recovery