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Gift bag topper and update re Mother.

Hi everyone,  this is my Freebie Friday post a few days late, I could not get access to my blog last week, hence the reason for the delay.

I have been making some shrink plastic gift tags for part of a mini swap, I then decided to wrap them in a small gift bag and designed this gift tag topper to finish off.
The tags can be downloaded for free, just right click and save to your computer, print off and fold on the white line and staple to your cellophane bags at the top.

In my next post I will show how I made the cute gift tags using shrink plastic, I can't show them now because it will spoil the surprise for my partner in the mini swap.

Edited : You can now see the tutorial for the shrink plastic gift tags in my next post here 

Update re Mother's accident. 

Thankyou so much for all of the kind comments left for Mother, they were all really appreciated.

She is finally coming home on Wednesday of this week, yay!!! We were quite worried at one point but she is now on the mend. Mother is camera shy but here is a photo of her fractured wrist including bruises! She is temporarily walking with a frame until her hip is properly mended and there will be carers looking after her for 6 weeks but at least she is coming home, which I am truly relieved about.

Stitching news.

I have just sent a mini quilt for the mini swap,I am also working on a stitchery design at the moment to make a framed picture and I have been crocheting some squares for my first crochet cushion which should be finished soon. 

Happy stitching,
until next time!

Take time to smell the roses.............

Hi everyone, thankyou so much for the lovely comments given to my Mother following her hip  and wrist fracture, I passed them on and she cried when she read them, she says to pass on her heartfelt thanks to everyone for their kind words.

Terrible week for Mum.

Remember these photos when Mum was crafting? Well on Tuesday morning Mum and I went shopping, we were just leaving a store and she fell over with an almighty bang which resulted in a fractured hip and right wrist, she has had to have a hip replacement, her wrist is in plaster and she keeps fainting every time the nurses try to get her moving. We are all quite worried but I am sure with the fantastic nursing care she is receiving I am sure she will eventually be on her feet again.

So nothing to show you at the moment, I have managed to do a bit of crochet but I tend not to function very well when I am worried. 

Hopefully Mum will soon be better and things will be back to normal.

Until next time.........
Happy Stitching.  


Freebie Friday - Seaside Mini Cat

Hi everyone, here is my latest mini cat design from my mini cat series of cross stitch pattern freebies, I do hope you like it! I am also currently designing a 4th of July Mini Cat that will be available soon, 
now available here.

Flowers in my craft room and Summer cross stitch progress

Hi everyone, we were in a gardening mood this week, I cannot tell you how long I have wanted  window boxes on my house but it must have been about thirty years in the making! Lol Since having my first house all those years ago I have always intended to have a window box or two but never got around to it, well today is the day......tah dah!!!!!