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A random act of kindness and other stitching..........

Lynn B Cross Stitch

Hi everyone, I have been busy catching up on some cross stitch finishes, the first one being this altered design of Little House Neighborhood that I stitched for a lady who I only just met!
Last summer I entered Little House Neighbourhood into the village show, I won Best in Craft and I was  delighted. Whilst I was collecting my cross stitch to take home a lady approached me to ask if she could buy Little House Neighbourhood from me, I explained that it was a gift I made for my sister and it was not for sale, she was ever so complimentary about my stitching and asked if I would make it for her, of course all of you know how many hundreds of hours the large pieces take to complete and I politely declined but offered to make her the top panel with the words included, she was thrilled.

For the first time ever I actually made  a note of how many hours stitching it took to complete, it was 55-60 hours altogether, I don't know if that is about average speed but I do have arthritis in my right hand so I think I may be a slow stitcher.
I stitched it most evenings until midnight and put the last stitches into the piece last week. I altered the spelling of neighborhood to the British spelling, added her initials and the year and it is now ready for collection.

We are going to the framers in a couple of weeks to get it framed, hopefully I will get a photo when it is framed.

I have also finished a Prairie Schooler pattern 'Rain On the Rooftops' and  I will give you a sneak peak of an exchange gift I have been making. 
My Easter Quilt also arrived from my partner Kerry (Photos Below).

Lynn B Cross Stitch

Lynn B Cross Stitch

Lynn B cross Stitch

'Prairie Schooler 'Rain on the Rooftops' completed

I started this Country Cross Stitch pattern from Dale Burdetts Kitchen Country Cross Stitch Pattern.
 Initially I made this for my sister quite a few years ago, I always loved it and I have finally managed to start stitching it for myself.  I think the pattern is out of print now as it is a 90's pattern but I still love it anyway, I will keep you posted on my progress.

You can now see this design finished here

Here is a sneak preview of part of the gift I have made for an exchange -  a few roses and a mini teapot! 

I have previously made a tutorial for polymer clay roses and recently I received this lovely photo of a needle set made by Sherri showing the roses she made following my tutorial.

Isn't this set of stitching just gorgeous! 

Congrats Sherri on a wonderful job 

Last but not least, here is the wonderful Easter mini quilt I received in a recent exchange I was involved in. Kerry sent me this gorgeous quilt with a matching little bag and I love it all!

This is the gorgeous Easter Quilt I received from Kerry, thankyou so much for a wonderful exchange gift.

I love this little bag

and the gorgeous quilting 

Until next time.........
Happy Stitching.



cucki said...

Sweet stitches..
Hugs x

MoodyCatCrafts said...

The samplers look great, you've been busy! I've had offers to buy my cross stitching before, but people don't realise how much time and love go into it!

Vickie said...

Good for you! Great job. :)
And the Easter Quilt you received is really, really nice!

Unknown said...

Wonderful stitch I stitched the Whole pattern many years ago...but always beautiful!

stitchersanon said...

Wow...such a lovely post. Congratulations on all your crafty achievements xxx

Lisa V said...

Gorgeous, I love them all.

Christina said...

Your commissioned piece is lovely. Nice job on your PS as well. The exchange you received is so cute.

Christine said...

Beautiful stitching! Lucky new neighbor!

Anonymous said...

is so preatty!! i have start one about christmas theme to try to finish in time! :)
do you want add my blog?

I will add yours :)


Preciosos trabajos, besos

Unknown said...

Since English is not my mother language, I don't understand the word "RAK".
What I do know: this 'rak' is wonderful and Jenny must be SO pleased with it.

Have a nice week!


on my blog in the last post, you'll find a big stich work on Rome:

Valma said...

wow...where to start ? :D
The gifts you received for the Easter exchange are superb ! No wonder you love them so much
the little bag is so sweet and that quilt...really cute :D
Hubby works on polymer clay I really have to ask him roses from your tutorial :D
I love them
and your stitchings ! wow
I definitely have to put the design from your RAK on my to do list :D
Lovely, I can't wait to see it framed !
very well done
A fantastic new post :D
big hugs

Coccinelle Creative said...

Beautiful creating your own cross-stitch, good compliments! ☺ See you soon and good day!

Andrea said...

Oh the quilt ... the rabbit is so cute. A lovely gift.

Beautiful stitching. People just don't realise how much time and effort goes in to stitching a piece.

myrica said...

Gorgeous, I love them all.
Have a nice day

Von said...

So much gorgeousness all in one post!

Thoeria said...

Your stitching is, as always, exquisite Lynn :) And your quilt ....what a gorgeous gift!

Unknown said...

Hi lynn,

Thank you for coming by at my blog. No wonder I couldn't find RAK in the dictionary.

I should have known what RAK meant, if I'd had a better look at the title of your post.Stupid me!
Thank anyway for enlightening me.

The word is wonderful. Why aren't there more raks in this life?
I like the idea of RAKS a lot.

I think I am going to take over this concept and make a post on it one of the next days.

Sherri said...

To be asked to stitch a piece for someone is the highest honor. I'm not surprised that you were asked and I'm sure they were thrilled to receive it. Such a nice piece. You are so sweet to show a photo of my work! Thank you as I am thrilled. I want to tackle your handmade box, so that will be on my list. Thanks for your inspiration. Love the Easter exchange! Happy stitching!

Carol said...

That LHN piece is so darling, Lynn. I don't think non-stitchers have any idea at all how many hours go into creating a piece, do you? I have never really kept track, but find I stitch much faster on 40 ct. using one thread than on lower counts of fabric where you have to use two.

I love that PS finish, too, and your exchange piece from Kerry is so cute. I'm sure you feel very honored when someone sends you a photo of a finish they've done with your tutorials... Sherri's roses look perfect!

Hope your May is off to a great start :)

Anonymous said...

A beautiful collection of all your work Lynn, you have been busy. How lovely to be praised on your stitching. I love the quilt to.
Enjoy your week.

breakmydreams said...

Lovely work :)
You are very talented :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

You are so kind!

Solstitches said...

What a lovely thing to do for Jenny.
Your projects are always such a treat to see.
Sherri did a great job following your tutorial.

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