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RAK'S received and show and tell from readers.

Hi everyone, two random acts of kindness were sent from my blog a couple of weeks ago and I am very pleased that they both reached their destinations safely.
In this weeks post I will show the two RAKS and show and tell some of my readers stitching after they have followed my tutorials from my tutorials blog. Warning ....... quite a long post but lots of photos!

First to arrive was Valerie's RAK which was sent to France.
I checked out Valerie's blog here  and found out that she likes purple so I made a pretty little crochet pincushion, a teapot necklace and sent this felt ornament, I also made the card using a computer graphics software. 
Valerie had commented on how she liked my crochet so I just had to include some in her gift.

Crochet and cross stitch by Lynn B
The Teapot cross stitch design is  from part of a design made by The Sampler Girl.

Valerie loved her gift and sent me a lovely email in response, she really made me laugh in that email and I think I made her day! Lol 
It was a pleasure to make it for you Valerie, I am so glad you are happy with your gift!

Close up of the embroidery -  I designed this as I stitched and was pleased with the result. 
Close up of crochet
I love the purple and white together, I think I am going to have to make myself this colour combination.

Next up is the random act of kindness I sent to a lady called Anne Marie, she does not have a blog but has been commenting and chatting to me for quite a few years now and I thought it was about time she received some of my stitching, this is what I sent...........

Cross stitch by Lynn B
For Anne Marie I stitched this little bag, a teapot necklace and included the purple brooch, I also made the card using the software I previously mentioned. 
Anne Marie was also pleased with her gift and wrote me a lovely email in reply. 
It was a pleasure to make these for you Anne Marie.

It was so nice to make these gifts and surprise unsuspecting friends who comment  on my blog, it really made my day knowing I had made two ladies happy. 
Over the year I will be making more RAKS to send out but for now I am busy stitching a couple of exchange pieces. 
My husband is away for four weeks so I am getting lots of time in  my craft room! Yaa!!! My mum visited last week for a few nights and we spent some time making cards and she showed  me what to do.

Edited:  You can now see the crafting with mum post here. 

Show and Tell      

I have received some lovely photographs of finishes that some of my readers have made following my tutorials,  first up are from a lady called Mary (unfortunately no blog) but keeps in touch when she uses my tutorials. My tutorials can be found on my other blog.

Here are the gorgeous photos she sent to me, she has done a superb job of making these, congratulations Mary on such wonderful finishes!


Another boxed set

Next up is a gorgeous set made by Lee from Notes from Under The Mountain Blog
Lee followed my toblerone tutorial from my cross stitch tutorials blog.

I love the way that Lee has put the colours together in this, Lee really is a very talented needlewoman, she makes the most amazing things, in fact just check out this post,  she has made another gorgeous needleset it would be a shame to miss it!

Congratulations Mary and Lee on such wonderful stitching.
 Please note: if anyone has sent me photos of their stitching and you think it has not been shown on my blog yet please contact me as sometimes I forget, I will then ensure your photos are displayed!

Finally, in my next post I will show the cards I made with mum and photos of the other side of my craft room, I have taken quite a few so you can all have a good peek around! Lol!!!

Until next time, thanks for all of your lovely comments and happy stitching!    


Ariadne said...

I came here through Valerie's blog where she showed your gifts to her! I loved them all and commented that you make my favourite things, cross stitch, crochet and felt. That's amazing that you work all mediums equally well. Your tutorial blog will definitely help me out as I am really bad at finishing my cross stitched pieces!ariadnesky(at)hotmail(dot)com

Vickie said...

Such lovely gifts you made! And just look at what you have helped others to create. Wonderful.

KimM said...

OH MY GOODNESS! Beautiful stitching on all - so elegant. Thank you for sharing -

Sherri said...

Your RAKs are really nice. I love your felt ornaments with beautiful stitching. I am inspired again! I have used your tutorials for fimo roses as well as your labels. I made a tea themed gift for a friend and tied it up with an assortment of ribbons and a label "A cup of tea...if you please." She was thrilled with just the label. So,thanks for your great tutorials.

Chris said...

Beautiful post. Such amazing stitching and finishing!

Lee said...

I really enjoy making the toblerone, your tutorial is so easy to follow and it does not take that long to put one together, beautiful for gifts and I have two more waiting finishing touches. Thank you for sharing how to make them.

Josefa VĂ©lez said...

Es todo precioso!!!
Un abrazo

Von said...

Thanks for sharing so many beautiful projects!

Deb said...

What a wonderful post of such beautiful works Lynn. You are such a sweetheart with your RAK's, I am sure they will be loved, they are gorgeous. I must go and have a look at your other blog, I didn't realise you has one.

Annette-California said...

Your beautiful designs have inspired so many stitchers Lynn. And I am a super blessed recipient of the Victorian Pink and black rose set that Lee made. I LOVE every piece she has made me. If you have a look on my blog i just posted the stitcher's tray she recently sent me that matches this set.
Love all the pieces you, Mary and Lee stitched.
Thank you for sharing your talents with us. love Annette

Thoeria said...

Lynn, your stitching is absolutely gorgeous! What a lovely surprise for your friends!
Beautiful stitching from the ladies too! Your tutorials are really great....I'm planning on doing the toblerone one day :)

LaNelle said...

Just amazing! Once again love your generous nature we stitchers are amazing at what we can create and share.Many Blessings to you....

Mini Addictions said...

What beautiful, handmade pieces. You ladies have all spoiled each other. Thank you for sharing all of the pictures and details, Lynn.

myrica said...

So beautiful stitching on all,
Such lovely gifts you made.
Thank you for sharing.
Have a nice day

annemarie said...

Thank you again, Lynn, for all the wonderful gifts. I am on cloud nine! Mary's stitching is so beautiful. Your blog brightens my day with all the beautiful stitching you do!

kerrykatiecakes2 said...

I friend told me about your blog and I am so happy to have found it with all the lovely photos and great tutorials. Glad to be another happy follower!

Carol said...

Your RAKs are perfection, Lynn--I can see why the recipients love them so much :)

Dani - tkdchick said...

Lynn what beautiful RAKs you have sent out and those ladies are truly lucky to have received a little piece of your art!

Also you must get a great sense of pride when someone makes something so beautiful from your tutorials!

Valma said...

believe me girls, the gifts are even more beautiful in real :D
My happy dance lasted a few days....
Thank you so much again sweet Lynn for those gifts that I definitely love =)
It seems your 2 first RAK have been purple one...such a beautiful colour ! and you made very beautiful pieces for Anne Marie too ! wow
look at all those beauties you have inspired !
really wonderful
Lee's pieces are amazing !!
enjoy your days alone, crafting... =)
big big hugs

Solstitches said...

Lovely post full of eye candy.
The things your readers have made from your tutorials are beautiful as are the RAK's you sent out to your online friends.

Steph said...

This is a lovely post. The RAKs are beautiful. The stitching from other crafty people is gorgeous. I enjoyed your post about crafting with your mum too....can I move into your craft room please! ^_^ XOX