I have decided I love crochet!
Yes its official, I am a crochet lover, the colours the yarn the patterns they are just so gorgeous!
I started to teach myself crochet just before Christmas, I managed to finish these pincushions over the last few weeks, don't you think the colours are just yummy and scrumptious? I do, they make my heart sing everytime I see them. I love the gorgeous colours in crochet, how you can mix lots of different colours together and they still look fabulous. (more photos below)
I chose DMC crochet yarn from the Natura range with the exception of the red and white cushion which was made from Sirdar Baby Bamboo yarn which is also a beautiful thread to use.
I found the tutorial for the crochet granny square at the Little Tin Bird Blog, it was really helpful especially for a beginner, there is also another tutorial made by Lucy over at Attic 24 blog which I found later,if you like crochet you really need to check out Lucys blog she has some wonderful creations on there.
For the pin cushion I made two granny squares and stitched them together, I also made a little cotton square pillow for the inside and filled it with rice.
For the pin cushion I made two granny squares and stitched them together, I also made a little cotton square pillow for the inside and filled it with rice.
Stitching news
Unfortunately I have been unable to do much cross stitching or sewing as I am still in quite a bit of pain from Shingles, I am hoping the pain will eventually disappear as it is wearing me down now, although I am on pain killers they don't seem to last that long before I need to take more.
Thankyou for your comments and emails over the last few weeks, they are all appreciated.
Thankyou for your comments and emails over the last few weeks, they are all appreciated.
I am hoping to be fully recovered in a few more weeks time so that I can get on with my stitching!
I am due to send out a Valentine Heart Swap at the end of January, I am so glad I nearly finished this before I became ill or I would have been delayed in the finishing. I have also signed up for a birthday swap on Ravelry, each person signs up and receives a gift from a swap partner in the month of your birthday, I am really looking forward to it, I have plenty of time to do this as my birthday is not until April.
I am in a swapping mood so I have also signed up for a mini quilt swap on Cheryls blog over at Gone Stitching Cheryll has some great swaps going on through the year.
This Sirdar thread is a pleasure to use, it feels very soft and the crochet stitches appear clear and well defined, it also has a lovely sheen to it.
Until next time - happy stitching!
What a great idea! I think they are lovely. Can't believe you have shingles...me too. Well I had them over Christmas and now I have serious pain issues in my back: seems the shingles can mucked up my nerves so they keep sending pain signals for no reason. I have never, ever felt pain like it! I hope you recover soon. Thank you for sharing the tutorials...I am def. going to give these a go xxs
Your little crochet creations look great!!!
They are adorable. My favourite has got to be the fuchsia colour with the white. So pretty!
These look so sweet.
Hi I love your little pin cushions I learnt myself to crochet Christmas 2012 and just love it....it grows so quickly too xx
Wow! Shingles are NOT fun! Take care of yourself and in the meantime you've made some adorable pincushions!
Gorgeous granny's. That yarn looks wonderful. I'll have to look out for it.
Beautiful pin cushions. I so love granny squares.
something to add to your many talents. really pretty.
They are so sweet and cheery! I hope that the shingles subside soon! ouch!
Have a great week!
I love granny squares and these are such gorgeous colours. Love, love, love!
Sorry to hear you have shingles - not a lot of fun, by all accounts :( Your crochet is looking wonderful, and those pincushions are seriously cute!! Crochet is one thing I've wanted to learn for years, but can't seem to get the hang of it when I've tried teaching myself from books ... I finally found a course in the city that I live in in March, so fingers crossed I will finally manage to get over that hurdle - if my attempts after a few months look half as good as yours, I'll be happy!!
this look is very nice!! I want even too!
Very lovely idea to use granny squares. Good colours too.
Very good idea to use granny squares. They look pretty.
Love the colours that you're using for your pincushions! Get well soon. :)
Beautiful pin cushions, and i like the granny squares
have a nice day
Oh, how pretty, Lynn!! So glad you've found another "love" (but please don't give up your stitching!!)...
Hopefully, the pain from the shingles will be gone very soon--I know it can hang on for quite a while. Sending you a warm hug :)
The pin cushions are so sweet. Looks like you're a champion crocheter ;)
These are so cute.
Bom dia !!!!!!!!!!!! simplesmente Maravilhoso......
Sweet little pincushions. They look so pretty stacked that way.
Crochet is fast and fun to do.
Oh shingles is nasty! As I am catching up on blogland I am hoping you are feeling better since posting this. *hugs* Lovely pincushions. XOX
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