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Free snowman stitchery pattern and Father Christmas design

Hi everyone, I hope you are all looking forward to Christmas and getting lots of Christmas stitching done, I know I certainly am. Here is another design I have been stitching, it is a freebie stitchery from Jan Wilde of Mulberry Street stitching, you can find the pattern here. Thanks Jan!
I simply love this pattern, you stitch the outline and colour it with colouring pencils, I used silver thread for the snowflakes, the loveheart should be a button but I did not have the right one, I suppose I could have made a polymer clay button but decided not to bother. 
Here are some more photographs...........
Here is the next free pattern I have started, it is another freebie from a blog called Joypatch here, I will be doing a mini tutorial on how to do these stitcheries next Sunday, this one is a real cute design! 
I have finished it but you have to wait until next week because I am off to watch Downton Abbey, it is a period drama showing in England and I simply love it, it is my favourite Sunday night treat.
Until next time - Happy Stitching!  

Free Christmas Stitchery patterns and a tutorial for a halloween cross stitched scissor fob

Hi everyone, I promised I would have something stitched by the middle of October and here it is!
Work asked me to stay another month so I am working until the end of October instead of September, it's no problem, it just means I have not done any cross stitching or had chance to finish the peacock box, however, I have managed to stitch some Christmas Redwork Stitcheries ready for Christmas.  
I stitched this Red Brolly design whilst on holiday in September, it is a free pattern from Bronwyn Hayes at the Red Brolly blog, she has some gorgeous free designs, I urge you to go and check them out here  Bronwyn has lots of freebies and some great ideas, I just looooove her blog, thanks Bronwyn!   
Pictured below are some other stitcheries I have been working on recently, I particularly like stitcheries because they are so quick to stitch.
In my next post I will show you another piece I am working on,  together with instructions for any beginners out there.
At the bottom of this post I have included a link to my Halloween Scissor Fob tutorial.



I found this cute freebie from Elinskreativeside blog here 
Close up to see the fabric and the stitching, I used dmc 304 and 100% cotton fabric

Here is a sneak preview of another free pattern that I have been working on, I will give you the link and the full pictures in my next post, hopefully, next Sunday. 
If you want to know how to make this cross stitched scissor fob, check out out my tutorials blog here
Until next time, happy stitching!