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My Memories Suite Giveaway!

Hi everyone, I have been asked by My Memories Suite to host a giveaway on my blog, it is not cross stitch but it is something I think you will find interesting!
Have you ever wondered how some blogs have lovely photographs with floral trimmings and ribbons etc and you never understood how they did that? Well I certainly did not understand it, until now that is!

I designed this picture using the 'digital software programme' from My Memories Suite Version 2 and I think it is kind of cute, don't you?  It was very easy to do, I am looking forward to getting more creative with this, I think my next project will be to design a new blog header for my blog, so watch this space!

This software is a digital software programme that allows you to make lots of pretty papers and decorate your blog with the kits that can be purchased from My Memories Suite (Click link to take you to the page)

I would advise you to check out this video here   as it shows you what you can do with My Memories Suite in a little more detail, and there are lots of other videos on the same page to give you lots of ideas to use this 'digital software package'. 

I am offering one reader this 'digital scrapbooking softaware' for free, yes free, for you to make your blog look beautiful, as well as making the most beautiful scrapbook pages. Don't be too upset if you don't win first prize because everyone is a winner in this giveaway, all readers of my blog can use the code below to get $10 off the $39.97 price of My Memories Suite software.

Just enter the code below when you add your software package to the basket on their website and you will get $10 deducted off the price.


What do you need to do to enter?

Visit My Memories Suite website here and choose your favourite digital package, return to my blog and leave a comment stating which one you have chosen, thats all there is to it! 

The giveaway closes on Sunday 2nd October 2011 and I will announce the winner shortly afterwards.   

I absolutely love this software package, it is so easy to use and I am looking forward to making my blog look so much prettier! I will be back Sunday evening with another cross stitch pattern and another cute picture using this software.  

Good luck everyone! 


Paris giveaway winner and look what arrived for me!!!!!!

Hi everyone, apologies for the delay, someone had hacked into my blog and set a divert to another website, this prevented me from announcing my giveaway winner. Thankfully I managed to fix it quickly after searching in my widgets to see if I could find it, sure enough it was there!
I had to do an awful lot of reading on the internet to find out how to solve the problem.

I have a couple of things to tell you about but first up is the winner of my Paris giveaway, I set up the draw using the old fashioned way of folding up tiny bits of paper everytime I recieved a comment.

The winner is ................................

Lynn from Kearnel's Corner blog 

Congratulations Lynn, you get everyting in the photo below!

Please email me your address details and I will send it to you before the end of next week, however, it could be sooner, depends when I manage to get to the post office.   

Thankyou to everyone who entered and a warm welcome to all of my new followers, I did try to reply to everyone, however some of you did not leave me a way to reply to you, but thanks for your lovely comments I really appreciated them all! 

My next giveaway!

My next giveaway will be in the middle of September, it will not be stitch related.
I have been asked by My Memories Suite to host a digital scrapbooking software freebie on this site, I have never used it before until now and all I can say is that it is really easy to use and I now know what all those digital scrapbboking folders were for! lol
I will be showing some photo examples and be giving away one of these Digital Software programmes free to one lucky reader of my blog, so keep your eyes open for that!      

A gift to myself 

Although I love sewing I think sometimes it is nice to have someone else make something for me as a special treat, when I saw this pillow and gift tags (top photo) I decided to do just that!
It arrived a few weeks ago, it was beautifully wrapped and it was like having Christmas in August!
I bought this from a talented blogger who also happens to be called Lynn, she has a beautiful blog at
Teacup Stitches blog here but I bought this from Lynn's Etsy shop here, go check it out, be warned,  Lynn sells her pillows fast!

There is a close up photo of the pillow below, check out the lovely diamante heart, it's so cute!

Thankyou Lynn, it was such a treat to receive this in the post, I know I will order from you again soon!

Talking of pillows, I have made this black and white pillow after taking inspiration from Lynn!
This beautiful lady image was printed on cotton fabric and then embroidered with french knots in lilac and pink to give it some colour, I also put a swarovski crystal on each flower in the corner.

 That's it for this week, happy stitching everyone, until next time!