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Sorting my new craft room!

Hi everyone, I have finally managed to start sorting out my craft room, I have displayed some of my cross stitch in this little corner, there are gifts from blogging friends here and some of my stitching too.
You will also see an assortment of books, the cross stitch book was purchased last year but I forgot I had it because it was stored in a box somewhere. I have also bought some lovely Tilda books from Amazon, I think this is going to be my favourite stitching hobby over the next few months.

I have also started a Little House Needlework design, it is the popular Little House Neighbourhood pattern.
I have provided the links for the books below

Available here from Amazon UK

Available here from Amazon UK

Available from Amazon UK

Available from Amazon UK

I made this pink felt strawberry following the design in one of the books, although I did alter it slightly, I made the leaves and the flower on the top a little different.      
Here is my new start, the Little House Needleworks design, it has been in my stash since last year, I have finally got around to starting it. I usually like to have a large stitching piece on the go as well as stitching small designs.  
This is a little work in progress area, you will see that I am stitching a duplicate of the recent Valentine giveaway I sent to Elisa and I have also nearly finished the stitching on the duplicate gift I sent to Hazel.
I have also finished stitching the pale green design that I started a few months ago, I am going to finish  it into a box. The little bird singing embroidery is a freebie from the Gum Tree Designers blog here, it was a coat hanger cover but I decided to make it into a sweet hanging ornament, although I am not sure about the blue I have chosen for around the edge.
Here are some of the craft books I have collected, I need a bookcase though! 
I have recently received this order of linen and threads from Sew and So, I use 32 count Murano linen quite a lot as I love the result. The blue/grey colour is for  a Victorian Sampler pattern that my husband bought me for Christmas.    

Thankyou for your visit, I hope you call again!


KC'sCourt! said...

Love your craft room, will you come and help sort mine.......?
Julie xxxxxxx

stefyfor said...

Very lovely. I don't have a craft room, i work in the kitchen. You are lucky.

Debbie said...

Your craftroom is so organized and inviting! I hope mine will be someday! Love the pink strawberry pincushion too!

Rita E in AZ said...

What a lovely corner of beautiful stitching.

Unknown said...

You are lucky to have a room only for you!!!! Wonderful wips, I love your miniature and the big Lhn that I stitched some times ago....

http://thankfullga447 said...

Lovely, you always know how to please the crowd.

Hazel said...

Looks great! My "craft room" has become a bit of a dumping ground for laundry and stuff. I wish I could get in it and get it organised although it is not so very big. x

Mylene said...

wow! Love your craft room. Wish i have one too!!
And beautiful stash!

princessa said...

WOW!!! This room is my dream:) Your craft room SUPER!!!:)

Sherry said...

I enjoyed looking around your craft room. Your work in progress area is great. I love the ABC sampler stitching, who designed that? I also love the TILDA books and have stitched several projects from them. I own three of them. Thanks for sharing your inviting space.

Daffycat said...

What a happy place! It looks so bright and fresh, Lynn! I like your WIP area very much. Mine are piled on my desk (I have to move them to get a tissue lol) and stuffed into a plastic box. Yours is very sweet with them all on display!

Mouse said...

ooo I have a very similar cake stand for my smalls too :) love the tilda books have got one or two and must stitch from them soon :)lovely stitching as always :) love mouse xxxx

Margaret said...

I love seeing your craft room! so much to look at! Thanks for showing us!

Lynn said...

Your new room is lovely! I can imagine you'll spend many hours in there. It looks so bright and cheery.
Your finished berry is so sweet and I think you've picked a great new start with that LHN.
I look forward to seeing more progress.

Cindy's Stitching said...

I love your little corner. The pieces are very pretty. The stands and holder are quite unique.

Carol said...

I can see why you love puttering around in your craft room, Lynn--what a warm and welcoming place. Wonderful light in there, too! Have fun working on your newest projects :)

hohla said...


annemarie said...

I really enjoyed my visit - love your little corner of the world. I love my Tilda books also - so many fun projects in them.

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri Malinovich) said...

Your room looks lovley! I wish mine had a window - that makes such a difference.

Tatkis said...

Such a sweet and romantic corner! Beautiful!

Best wishes,

Karen said...

This is the first time I have been to your blog, it is wonderful and your projects are fabulous! Your craft room looks like a lovely place to spend time in. Thank you for visiting my blog!

Lili said...

your craft room is so pretty!
very beautiful stitching!
thank you for visiting my blog and for your comment :)

Nancy said...

Your craft room looks like such a fun place to be in, and all of your projects are so pretty!

Sally said...

I love your craft room. I do wish I had one! Maybe one day :)

Gladys Creativa said...

I don't know what to say!!!! Dear Lynn is amazing! I'd like to have a stitching room like yours...
Each detail is precious! congratulations...
And enjoy good hours...

Deb said...

Hello, Lynn! Been too long a time since we've been in touch. Your crafts room is looking good. Books are great, aren't they? Love what you've been stitching.
I've been reading and reviewing books for major publishing houses and so busy with that. I love it. Have had little time for stitching, as you can imagine, but I do plug away at my bigger projects on the occasion. My new email is thebookishdame at aol dot com Let's talk again soon, Lynn!
Hugs, Deb

Karmela said...

Hello Lynn.
I love your craft room is so pretty!
very beautiful stitching!
thank you for visiting my blog.

Rosa said...

bellissimo il tuo angolo creativo!!!! bellissimo il lavoro che hai iniziato anche io adoro LHN!!! Ho visto la tua visita nel mio blog mi ha fatto un piacere immenso!!! Come avrai potuto vedere ultimamente ho cambiato indirizzo del blog mi farà piacere rivederti anche li!!!!
a presto e buone crocette!!!!!

Andrea said...

Seriously jealous. :) Love the new crafting space. It looks a very peaceful place.

Biljana said...

Your works is absolutely beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by, I am your newest follower too.
Have a wonderful weekend, hugs Biljana

Magia dos bordados said...

Olá Lynn! é um prazer. Também adoro bordado. Amei seu Blog, Parabéns! É lindo! Seus trabalhos são maravilhosos. Convido-o a me visitar será um prazer recebê-lo. Abraços do Brasil

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