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Little House Needlework, an exchange and my first hardanger piece.

   Hi everyone, I hope you are all well and doing lots of lovely stitching!

I have been stitching a Little House Needlework design called Daisy Lane Cottage, I am also working on my first piece of Hardanger and I have an exchange to show you that I made for Margaret from A Sampler of Stitches blog here  

Daisy Lane Cottage from Little House Needleworks. 

Here is the exchange I made for Margaret, it is not the exact photo of the one I sent to Margaret, it is the one I made for Yana but I forgot to take photographs, although they are more or less exactly the same except for the polymer clay thread holder.  
Margaret made me an absolutely beautiful exchange that you can see in the previous post. 
Here is my first piece of hardanger, it is a work in progress at the moment, however  I am not too sure I like doing this type of stitching, I find it boring, I prefer to have some colour to work with and I found the stitches a bit repetitive.

Happy Stitching everyone, thanks for your visit!

The winner is...........????? and another exchange to show.

Congratulations to to........................???????

Cole from Something for Cole blog (click here for blog)

Cole please leave me your email address.

I drew the name out of a hat, (sorry but I don't know how to do this electronically) it took me ages but I finally have a winner!

Thankyou so much everyone for entering my giveaway, I do hope you will continue to visit my blog.
Please don't be disappointed if you did not win, I have entered lots of blog giveaways and I have not won anything, ever, maybe one day I will be lucky!

 Stitching news

I have not done much stitching but I have an  exchange to show you, this is the one I made for Staci at 
I also have another one to show but I will show that on my next post.

I made this pinkeep with a ladybird design on the back,I then decided to use the fabric as a theme to base my design on. The little bottlecap pincushion is supposed to be a ladybird, this was based on the little bottlecap pincushions that Jenny Segrest makes here  

I decided to just embroider mine with the little daisy pattern to match the pinkeep.

The needlebook is my own design made from felt and blanket stitched around the edge. 

The alphabet is a free design, I can't remember where I got the grid from for the cross stitch, but if anyone would like a copy please leave a comment with your email address and I will send it to you.   

Here is the lovely exchange that Staci made for me. 
Staci made the two lovely pillows and stuffed them with crushed walnuts, I thought this was a lovely idea. I particularly liked the way that Staci trimmed the reverse side of the pillows. Also included were the threads that Staci used in stitching the design and the buttons ribbons and thread will certainly be useful for my forthcoming projects

Thankyou Staci, I enjoyed our exchange, I shall treasure these gifts and I will put them in my new craft room when it is finishesd! 

Happy stitching everyone, until next time!


Sorry for the delay!

Hi everyone, sorry for the delay in announcing the winner of my giveaway, I will not get chance to sort it all out until this weekend. I also  have a couple of exchanges to show you and I have not had the opportunity to take the photographs yet, please bear with me and I will announce the winner sometime over the weekend.

Thankyou for all of the wonderful comments, I am thrilled that you liked my giveaway. I would also like to welcome all of my new followers and thank all of my regular and new readers for leaving comments, you were all so generous to me. I tried to respond to everyone and visit as many blogs as I could, however some of you have your email set as 'no reply' therefore I could not reply personally.

Thanks everyone, I will be in touch over the weekend!

Happy stitching!