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Random act of kindness and pinkeep finishing instructions.

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Here is one of my latest stitching projects, a needlebook with fimo clay roses trimmed with a butterfly.

I was contacted by a lady who wished to use an alphabet that I use frequently  in some of my stitching projects, unfortunately I could not remember where I downloaded it from, (although I think it was the DMC website) and I thought I had deleted it from my computer, so I offered to send it in the post to her.
I always like to make the trip to the post office a worthwhile journey, so I decided  to make a
RAK (a random act of kindness for those of you that are new to blogging) and I sent this needlebook with the paper pattern. It just so happened to be this lady's birthday this week,  which was a nice surprise for her.

Happy Birthday Jane! 

My pinkeep finishing instructions

I have been asked on a number of occasions if I could provide details of how I finish my projects, so I decided to start off with my version of how I finish pinkeeps. I do not like using glue on my projects, but I did use it to add the ribbon on this pinkeep because I think it made for a better finish.   

Materials needed:
Stitched piece for the front
Fabric for the back
Ribbon, pins and extras for decoration.
Fabric glue
Iron on the interfacing over the design on the back of the linen
Layer the materials - linen or fabric, wadding and cardboard.
You can use cereal packets, but I tend to use double thickness as it gives a better result. This is the first time
I used corrugated cardboard, I thought it gave a neat finish, however, I know some people use foam board but I have never tried this.
Lace with cotton sewing thread or use stranded cotton.
Ensure the corners are square
Fold over
ensuring the linen is square on the right side, stitch down the corners.
Lace across the other side
By now your two pieces should look like this
Place the smaller piece of wadding in the middle
Stitch all around the edge ensuring you stitch on the same thread line of the linen
 as this will ensure the fabric is not pulled out of line and will look neat from the front.
Glue the ribbon around the edge with fabric glue
And now for the best part, your decoration!
Gather some ribbon, pearl head pins, swarovski crystals or any decoration that you like and enjoy the process!
The finished pinkeep.

Stitching news 

I am currently stitching halloween projects and a couple of gifts for people, one of these gifts I cannot wait to send as I really loooove it! I was experimenting with something that I have not tried before and I must say I was pretty thrilled with the result, even though I say so myself! lol! 

I cannot say who it is for as it will spoil the surprise! Also I have just received my new kemper cutters for polymer clay making, I have been having fun playing around with them, I will be showing some of my new creations soon! 

I need to do some blog visiting as I am way behind, thankyou for visiting my blog - please call again soon!


Nima said...

oh Lynn...that is so nice of you to share this beautiful tutorial. Every other day i take out your giveaway gift and admire it, i always think how you finished it so beautifully.

Thank you so much for hte tutorial

Meari said...

What a nice thing you did with the RAK. And a wonderful tutorial, too!

Daffycat said...

A very nice tutorial, Lynn!

mbroider said...

This is a very easy to understand tutorial. I am going to hang on to this!!

Many Thanks

CindyMae said...

Great tutorial! I am bookmarking it to use later!!!

Carmen said...

oh,thank you so much for the tutorial!!

Robin said...

Your work is beautiful. Another great finish. Thanks for the detailed finishing instructions. I need to make sure I bookmark to this spot to use your instructions and pictures in the future! Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That was really sweet of you to send the needlebook as an extra - and a beautiful finish, as always. Your blog is always such a visual treat! :D

Wendy said...

Oooh you made such wonderful stitching again!!
Nice how you did it with the fimo clay roses!

Thanks for sharing the instructions of the pinkeep. Now I know how you make this ;)

Anonymous said...

That's a great tutorial!

Anonymous said...

your blog it's beautiful

my blog :

kiss in FRANCE

Cindy F. said...

Lynn B.!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This is an awesome tutorial! Pictures help me so I may even try this again, since the first one I made made me swear off finishing all together!
Love your beautiful new finishes and what a precious person you are for sending the RAK!! You are a big reason the stitching community is so wonderful!! Congrats on your award! You deserve it!! Have a great week friend!!

Gladys Creativa said...

Wow Lynn is fantastic!

Carpacar said...

Un estupendo Lynn tutorial.

Nanbon44 said...

What a wonderful tutorial, I will have to try making a pin keep. Do you have a tutorial for a needle book? I would like to make them for my Charity Stitching Friends.

Lynn B said...

Thankyou all for the lovely comments regarding the tutorial.

Nanbon44 - In answer to your question, yes I am going to do a Needlebook tutorial, I have not got one yet, but it is on my to do list!

Lynn B

♥ Nia said...

Thank you for this great tutorial! :)

prabha said...

Hi Lynn,

I love your blog, all your finishes are so beautiful. I love doing cross-stitch and gifting to friends, but am always at a loss for the finishing, so I just frame it and gift it. Your tutorials and your finishes are very beautiful and inspiring.


Anonymous said...


I have been stitching for years and have never made a pinkeep, but i love your tutorial and plan on making one real soon. Hopefully mine will turn out as beautiful as yours did. Thanks for the great tutorial. Take care.


Topcho said...

I found your blog just lately and have been admiring your creations till now. Thank you for all the beauty you create; the tips, ideas and inspiration you give.

Daisy said...

A very nice tutorial, thank yout

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