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My trip to Paris and latest stitching.

Hi everyone, I had a lovely time in Paris and thought I would show you some photographs from my little trip, together with Cindy F's birthday gift and Wendy's blog award. I have also posted all of my gifts from my anniversary giveaway, so all winners expect your gifts anytime soon!

The Palace Opera was built under the orders of Napolean III and finished in 1875
This was a beautiful building inside!
I just loved this dress.

We then visited a museum that had some beautiful objects on display, including 17th and 18th Century
furniture, pottery and perfume bottles.


This clock was made for Marie Antoinette
I thought this table was soooo beautiful, I know it is very over the top but I just love it!
An example of the beautiful architecture.

A bridge over the river Seine.

Of course, I did have to visit this wonderful tea shop for afternoon tea!

A visit to Angelina's was really nice too!
Here is a needlebook that I stitched for Cindy's birthday.

Stitching news

I am currently stiching for exchanges and I am making some gifts, I have also nearly finished my September stitching for the Christmas Challenge blog and I am getting organised with my Christmas stitching.
I have signed up for the Halloween Exchange on the Hooked on Exchanging blog,  I just love stitching halloween projects, they are so much fun to stitch.

I have been asked for finishing instructions on my projects, I have finished one but I have not had time to post it yet, but I will do soon!

I hope you enjoyed my photographs of Paris, thankyou for your visit, please call again!


JessB said...

Those are great pictures from your trip. I have been to Paris once, a long time ago. I love your needle book too!

Patricia Lessell said...

Oh Lynn your trip to Paris looks like it was amazing. Don't tell me you didn't visit any stitching shops?!? The cake just looks too good to eat. We have these tea shops in and around London called Cafe Valerie which sells cakes like that - much too hard to choose which one to eat. I haven't been in ages and I think it's time for a trip. I love love love what you stitched for sweet Cindy. Lots of Love Patti xxx

Wendy said...

Oooh Lynn, those are really some great pictures! It looks like you had a wonderful time. I have been to Paris several times. It is only 3 hours driving from my place. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pics.

You made a nice gift for Cindy's birthday. Great job!

Annette said...

What a lovely photos of Paris.
Your needlebook is great, nicely done.

Cindy's Stitching said...

The needlebook is so nice. The pictures of your trip are beautiful. Love your blog.


Adriana Ortiz said...

Beautiful needlebook !!

Thank you for sharing Paris with us.


Nima said...

wow...beautiful photographs. I wish i could go to Paris one day

valerie said...

Lovely photos! It looks like you ha a wonderful time! I remember my trip in 2000 fondly. The Opera House was fantastic and I hope to return again soon. Lovely needlebook for Cindy for her birthday!

Nina said...

Enjoyed your photos os much, thanks for showing :) I love Paris!

Andrea said...

Wonderful photos, I have enjoyed them very much. A lovely needlebook too.

Encarna said...

Hermosas fotos de Paris, sobre todo los pasteles de laduree, gracias por tanta belleza.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for sharing your photos of Paris - that's my favourite city in the whole world to date, so I love to seem photos again :) Lovely stitched gift too - as always :D

CJ said...

Oh you are so making me miss French pastry. I spent lots of my youth in France visiting my grandparents and eating my way into pastry heaven. Great photos. Hopefully we will get back there some day.


Unknown said...

Lynn, your trip to Paris looks absolutely fabulous! Thanks for the beautiful photos! I just wanted to let you know that I received the package from you!!! The pincushion is even sweeter in real life and I ♥ ♥ ♥ the beautiful teapot pin you added! It is so adorable and PERFECT for the little pincushion! Thank you so much!!! I ♥ it!


~TattingChic ♥

Kathy said...

Fabulous photos. I've been to Paris a number of years ago. Your photos brought back some wonderful memories. Thank you.

Your needlebook is just gorgeous.

Mylene said...

Great pictures of your trip! Thanks for sharing.

Hazel said...

Great pics of Paris Lyn! I would love to go there again and go round all the stitching shops and cake shops lol. xx

Suzie said...

Oh Lynn!! I'm just now catching up to your adventures! What a fantastic trip, and thanks SO much for sharing your beautiful photos with us!

I've left a little surprise for you on my blog, so whenever it is convenient for you, please pick it up!

I'm going to go back and drool over your photos some more! What a wonderful holiday!!!

Niya said...

Beautiful photos!! Thanks for sharing!

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