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Another blog award and biscornu received!

More pictures of Sharon's biscornu at the bottom of this post.
I was surprised when I visited Lizzy's blog as she had given me this blog award, I feel really bad because I had not noticed it until I visited Lizzy's blog two weeks later, even though I do follow Lizzy on her blog! I knew I was due to catch up on my visits and it was a lovely surprise, I do apologise Lizzy that I have only just seen it!

I am to list five things about myself and then nominate five people to pass it on to:
  1. Some of you will know by now I love anything Gothic, I particularly love the Heaven and Earth Designs with a gothic theme.
  2. I hate going out in the rain!

  3. I love treating myself to a typical English afternoon tea with scones , jam and clotted cream and the salmon and cucumber sandwiches must have their crusts cut off!

  4. Roses and freesia's are my favourite flowers

  5. I would love to learn tatting embroidery one day.

The five people I wish to nominate for the award are:
Kim's quilt blog - Kim creates some gorgeous quilts and her blog is amazing.
Melissa at Honey Bee's Bliss - Melissa's blog was one of the first blogs I ever visited, her ribbon embroidery is gorgeous and her tatting is really pretty.
Tatting Chic - This lady creates lovely tatting embroidery
Donna - The miniatures are breathtaking
Sherrie - If you like pin keeps this is the blog to visit!
Stitching news
I received this lovely biscornu from Sharon C in the Hooked On Exchanging Group, Sharon read my blog very well as she noted that I love anything Victorian, anything pink or blue and butterflies, she included them all when putting the package together, it was very well thought out and I appreciate it all, thankyou Sharon.


Melissa said...

Lynn, Thank you for nominating me for this award! You are very sweet to think of me! I hope that you get to try tatting soon it's really fun I love it! There is lots of info online for learning too and just recently I ran into a book that has a dvd with it for learning it's:
Great price on Amazon too!

Theresa said...

what a lovely exchange!!!!! That biscornu is beautiful!!!!!
Congratulations on your awards~~

Elizabeth MacGregor-Kirkcaldy said...

What a lovely exchange, Lynn... and that's a beautiful biscornu from Sharon! :)

Your blog is Fabulous Hun and you deserve the award... :) And I'm sorry I must have forgotten to email you or leave a comment letting you know... I'm beginning to wonder now if I emailed anyone or left comments on their blogs to let them know... good grief but I have a head like a sieve these days! :)

And what Lovely, Lovely handwork of late, Hun... and I must say your Petal Fairy is GORGEOUS... Congratulations on such a beautiful finish! :)

Blessings, hugs and love always in stitches...

Unknown said...

Hi Lynn, congratulations on winning such a nice award! Thank you so much for honoring me! I appreciate it. I am so glad that you like tatted lace. I hope you do learn to do tatting sometime.

Wendy said...

Congrats on your award!
The biscornu looks so wonderful!

Donna Hager said...

Thank you Lynn for the award. I very much appreciate it!

Margaret said...

Hi Lynn what a lovely biscornu! Aren't you the lucky one.
I hope for your sake you don't have to have surgery to the shoulder but you don't have to be scared. While it is true it is painful and the physiotherapy rehabilitation takes a while it does cure the problem :-) I was stitching a little again after about three to four weeks and now at 7 weeks can manage to stitch in 20 minute bursts. It is the repetitive actions that hurt most at present. All the best for your scan - I hope you find a Mr Wright (the surgeon) like I did.

Cindy F. said...

Ha! You're behind on reading blogs too?!!
Congrats on your award! Your blog is fabulous!!
That's an awesome exchange package and a gorgeous biscornu!!

Book Wookie said...

I might need to sign up for some exchanges if that is the type of mail I could expect to get. Wow!

Unknown said...

Hi Lynn! I just came by to say that I'll be posting this award later this week! I am so sorry I missed it with my last post! I hope you will forgive me! It is already in a draft ready to go out on next Wednesday so look for it...okay, my dear! :)

((HUGS)) and thanks again for thinking of me! :)

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