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Prairie Schooler pin keep received.

Here is the Prairie Schooler pinkeep that I made for Cindy F in the February Prairie Schooler exchange. I did keep it a closely guarded secret even though Cindy and I had exchanged emails on the day I posted it. I actually mentioned that I was posting my Prairie Schooler exchange but

she had no idea she was the recipient, I cannot believe I managed to keep that secret!

I made the mistake of putting HOE for Hooked on Exchanging and realised I should have put
PS for Prairie Schooler but it was way too late to change it all, I just did not have the heart
to pull it all apart!

Pin keep

Close up of pinkeep


tkdquintmom said...

That turned out lovely. I wish I had more time to participate in HOE's. They look like so much fun! She is sure to love it. :-)

Julianne said...


Your pinkeep is really pretty. I love all those smyrna crosses that you did on the border. Those are a fun stitch but they are quite time consuming. You did a beautiful job on your finishing too.

Cindy F. said...

I absolutely LOVE it!! and thank you a million hugs worth for such a beautifully made gift:)
I also love it as your banner pic;)

Mylene said...

You finished it perfectly, Lynn. I am sure your partner loves it.

Wendy said...

Your pinkeep is really nice! It seems to be nice to do some exchanges!

mainely stitching said...

It's beautifully finished! I wouldn't have pulled it apart either!

Unknown said...

Very pretty! I wouldn't have pulled it apart either.

Fatema ( SL ) said...

That pinkeep is very pretty.