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Andrea's pay it forward has arrived and I have a blog award!


I had a very exciting day yesterday, my pay it forward arrived from Andrea and I was given my first blog award from Nancy! 

Andrea from The Craft Room made me the most gorgeous pinkeep in one of my favourite colours with a matching card printed with butterflies - I absolutely love anything that has a butterfly theme! I now know how excited Cindy F felt when she received the pinkeep I made for her.
I was sooooo excited to receive something made by Andrea as she truly is an expert needlewoman, her stitching is absolutely perfect. Thankyou so much Andrea I shall treasure this pinkeep always.

pinkeep and card

Pin keep

Prairie Schooler pin keep received.

Here is the Prairie Schooler pinkeep that I made for Cindy F in the February Prairie Schooler exchange. I did keep it a closely guarded secret even though Cindy and I had exchanged emails on the day I posted it. I actually mentioned that I was posting my Prairie Schooler exchange but

she had no idea she was the recipient, I cannot believe I managed to keep that secret!

I made the mistake of putting HOE for Hooked on Exchanging and realised I should have put
PS for Prairie Schooler but it was way too late to change it all, I just did not have the heart
to pull it all apart!

Pin keep

Close up of pinkeep

Love Bug WIP, Valentine Pillow and Felt Hearts finished.

Recently I have been checking out some craft blogs and been inspired by some of the lovely things that can be made from felt, this brought back memories of when I used to create things from felt when I was a little girl and so I decided to have another go after all those years.

The hearts and pillow are very similar to the designs I made all those years ago!

These are ideal if you want to make a quick gift for someone as they only took me an evening to make.

Hearts and Pillow for Valentines Day
You will need :

Felt squares in colour of your choice
Three threads of DMC thread for the blanket stitch on the outside of the pillow and heartsand two threads for the stitching on the small hearts
Cut a paper pattern for the Heart Shapes
Make the square pillow in any size you want
Stuffing for the inside
Ribbon to stitch the hearts to.

I started this Love Birds Valentine Pillow in January but could not decide how to finish it until now.
I got the pattern from one of my favourite freebie blogs over at Swappons here , if you look around this blog you will see some gorgeous finishes in the gallery of pictures.

Valentine Cross Stitch Pillow

Cross stitch Valentine Pillow

This Valentine Lady Bug is a current work in progress and I have not decided yet how to finish it, if you pop over to Mylene's blog she has finished it into a beautiful mattress pincushion and she is offering it up as a blog giveaway until Valentines Day on Saturday - so hurry!

Ladybird cross stitch,Valentine Cross Stitch

Tiny Cross Stitched Biscornu Finished small enough to fit onto a dmc thread holder.

Do you want to see a Tiny Cross Stitched Biscornu finished small enough to fit on the top of a DMC stranded cotton  thread holder? Well this one will, as it only measures 1.7cm in length.

I started thinking about the size of these cute little pincushions and how small I could actually make a biscornu and decided to set myself a challenge - here is the result! 

It measures 1.7cms excluding the tassels!

Post edited on 4th November 2019
Tiny cross stitch biscornu that fits onto a dmc thread holder, it is a tiny irregular shaped pincushion measuring 1.7cm in size and fits onto the top of a DMC ribbon from a DMC thread holder

Tiny cross stitch biscornu that fits onto a dmc thread holder, it is a tiny irregular shaped pincushion measuring 1.7cm in size and fits onto the top of a DMC ribbon from a DMC thread holder

Tiny cross stitch biscornu that fits onto a dmc thread holder, it is a tiny irregular shaped pincushion measuring 1.7cm in size and fits onto the top of a DMC ribbon from a DMC thread holder

Happy stitching everyone!

Mini Biscornu and Prairie Schooler ornament finish

I have just finished my first mini biscornu together with a Prairie Schooler Christmas Ornament for the Christmas Challenge blog. The pattern leaflet for the Prairie Schooler is Christmas Day leaflet number 134.

Finishing instructions can be found on my tutorials blog here

The biscornu is a freebie pattern that can be found on The Floss Box.

Edited: I seem to have lost the photos on this post, I will see if I can find them and repost eventually!

Stitched on 25 count dublin lugana linen fabric using DMC colour 321 satin thread
Mill Hill beads
Happy stitching everyone, thankyou for visiting!

The pillow and scissor fob stitched for me!

Here are the pictures I promised to post of the replica Valentine pillow and scissor fob, although I did make the little fob different to the first one I stitched, It is the exact same pattern used for the pillow but stitched 1 over 1.
Thankyou for visiting my blog.
Happy stitching everyone!