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Blue embroidery ready for the show and my new exchanges!

I have joined a few stitching groups and I have signed up for a couple of exchanges, I am really looking forward to being involved. My first one is a pin keep exchange for Autumn, I am concentrating on that one at the moment and the next one is a mattress pincushion that does not need to be sent until October, however I will never get any stitching done if I keep looking at all the blogs!
I usually stitch on Aida but I have started using the linen that I ordered in the previous post, for some reason I was afraid of using it but I am quite pleased with the results.

I am preparing for my next show on the 6 September, my sister will put her quilt in this show and I shall be entering the butterfly and blue embroidery pictures, I am not sure what my Mum will be entering but I will show you the pictures after the show. I may even enter my exchanges if they are finished in time!
The blue embroidery is from Leon Conrad Designs Ltd, Flowers of Joy in Blue, it has beautiful bright blue gem stones but the picture does not show them off too well.

Have a nice day everyone and happy stitching!

Showtime !

It was our local village show on Saturday and my Mother, sister and I all entered, I put an embroidery in the 'general embroidery section' ( this 'Butterfly Passion' pattern can be found at ), my sister entered a quilt in the 'any other handicraft section' and my mother entered a cross stitch in the cross stitch section and we came away with some prizes! I won First Prize and my sister won the First Prize and Special show prize for her quilt, unfortunately I do not have a full size photo of the quilt but here is the one I took at the show, I shall post a full picture of the quilt later. There are twelve blocks to represent each month of the year, each block was stitched individually and pieced together, it looks amazing when you see it close up.
My Mother was a little disappointed that she did not win anything but she has won the special show prize at this show two years ago and she won best in craft and best in show at another show last year! I shall try to get some pictures and show you the trophies.
We are entering in another show at the beginning of September, I will keep you posted!