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St Patricks Day Mini Cat Cross Stitch Pattern


Hi everyone, a possibly a little late but here is a free mini cat pattern I designed for St Patricks Day!

Click on the image of the pattern below and screenshot on ipad or save to your computer. If you would like a pdf copy of the pattern you can contact me in the contact form on my blog, but you need to leave me your email address in the message or I will not be able to reply.

Your email will only be used to respond to your message. 

Until next time, happy stitching!


Freebie Friday Valentine Cross Stitch Pattern

Hello everyone, here is another free pattern a day later than I anticipated, I think I may start calling this Freebie Saturday!

A quick Valentine cross stitch for you. 

Ideal for a beginner or experienced stitcher depending on the finish you decide to use.

Includes three patterns…

  • Ornament pattern
  • Scissor Fob
  • Small Pin cushion

Click on the image of the pattern below and screenshot on ipad or save to your computer. If you would like a pdf copy of the pattern you can contact me in the contact form on my blog, but you need to leave me your email address in the message or I will not be able to reply.

Your email will only be used to respond to your message. 


Until next time, happy stitching!

Freebie Friday - Little Christmas House Cross Stitch Pattern

 Hi everyone, Freebie Friday cross stitch pattern one day late! 

Click on the image of the pattern below and screenshot on ipad or save to your computer. If you would like a pdf copy of the pattern you can contact me in the contact form on my blog but you need to leave me your email address in the message or I will not be able to reply.
Your email will only be used to respond to your message. 

Happy Christmas everyone.

Until next time Happy Stitching!

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